New Plant-Based Web Series: "The Turnip"

The Turnip is a new and exciting web series that focuses on plant-based living, and features some of the most well-respected African American restaurant owners in the plant based & vegan community. In the show, Kyna, Jerome, and Jason interview restaurant owners and try delicious vegan foods! Black Vegans Rock asked Kyna a few questions about their show, as well as why they went vegan.

BVR: Are all of the hosts of the show vegan? If so, could you share why you all went vegan?

Kyna: Yes, all of the hosts are vegan. We are all in different stages in our walk. I have been plant-based for almost 2 years (will be 2 years on May 8, 2018). I gave up beef and pork over 25 years ago. I finally went plant-based in 2016 after dealing with fibroids for over a decade and I knew surgery wasn't an option for me. I knew with changing my diet, I would be able to eliminate the fibroids, which I did. As a result, I have become an advocate for plant-based eating and womb wellness. 

Jerome has been plant-based for nearly 5 years. He was actually introduced to plant-based eating after his then 11- year old daughter asked to be taken on a food tour at Whole Foods. After trying the plant-based options and learning the health benefits of eating this way, he decided he would give it a try. His family has a history of heart disease, which is what his father Dr. Graves passed away from in his 40's. Recalling his father's passing on Christmas, he vowed that he would take better care of himself for his children and wife.  

Jason has been plant-based for 3 months. Though he is new in his walk, he has always incorporated plant-based menu options in his diet. After completing a 30 day water-fast, he noticed the elimination of inflammation in his joints, he discovered new found energy and the clarity from not eating meat, and he vowed to never look back. 

BVR: Why did you decide to create The Turnip? Are you going to go all over the country to check out vegan restaurants, or are you staying in GA?

Kyna: We decided to create "The Turnip" because we wanted to provide a plant-based approach to the African American community (by African American owners). Our community is disproportionately affected by heart disease, cancers, infertility, diabetes, (in which the three of us have been affected first hand) and we knew that food was the culprit. We couldn't sit back any longer. We wanted to do our part to help. We wanted to dispel the myth that African Americans only eat and feed our communities fried chicken and pork chops. We wanted to provide an entertaining yet insightful view into plant-based eating. It's not all exclusive to a certain group, it's all inclusive and exposes you to a wide range of foods that is healthier for you. Therefore, "The Turnip" wanted to highlight the resources out there and discuss the health benefits of certain herbs and ingredients. Also, we feature the most well-respected vegans in the African American community. We started with Atlanta but will travel to other parts of the country. Our next season will be filmed on an island, outside of the U.S.!

We look forward to coming to a city and dining with you! 


Instagram: @turnipcrew

Facebook: @theturnip

Twitter: @theturnip

YouTube: @theturnip