FEATURE: Greg Brown

Chef Greg Brown is the co-owner of the VeganSoul Bistro, Land of Kush, a vegan soul food restaurant located in Baltimore, MD.  He had no intentions on becoming a vegan chef. He fell into it by necessity.

He always had the vision to own a restaurant that catered to the health conscious crowd. He became a vegetarian in the late 90’s. He found a cook book on vegetarianism and decided to clean out his refrigerator and cabinets of all animal products and become a vegan.

The only issue was he had never cooked like this before and some of the foods in the book were completely new to him. He was always taught that you can learn anything and with that mentality, he began to teach himself how to cook. He took a couple of years to research and put together a business plan and he returned with The Land of Kush (an all vegan restaurant in Baltimore City).

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