FEATURE: Kenn Bo Cobb


My name is Kenn Bo Cobb and I am the author of Cooking With Bo: Unique & Delicious Plant Based Meals (1st and 2nd editions available on Amazon). I don’t use any processed or canned good ingredients in the recipes, just fresh produce, seasonings, spice and sugars.

In the first edition, I talked about how my diet went from being meat-centric to plant-based. I was challenged by roommates in college in 1993 to give up red meat for a day, and that day turned into a year. Two years later, I was completely off meat. My skin cleared, I lost over 60 pounds, and my blood pressure and cholesterol went to normal levels. So, I was reaping the benefits. I really felt good. It was one of the best decisions I made.

When I first started this journey, there was not a lot of information around (pre-social media days LOL) or anyone I could go to because during that time it was not considered to be masculine to not eat meat, especially from the neighborhood that I came from. So, I went to the library and got Dick Gregory’s book, Dick Gregory’s Natural Diet for Folks Who Eat: Cooking With Mother Nature. I was able to get a lot of information from this book and it helped me on my new journey.

With the impact of the internet/social media and studying plants more, I have realized how healthier foods or even healthier stores for that matter, were not options for my family and the predominantly Black neighborhoods that we lived in. We were discriminated against. I was going to do a blog on this but lost focus with it. But, to be a solution, I want to share as much information as I can with others about plants and their natural benefits. With social media, I can accomplish this.

Through my plant-based lifestyle, I want people to understand that there are so many ways to cook or prepare plants - and not just with the typical plants.  I want to inspire others to visit their local farmers market to see the huge varieties of plants because plants are life!  

Bo has a BBQ Rub called, "Bo's BBQ Rub", that he created with only 7 organic ingredients. You can purchase it on Amazon.


FEATURE: Intelligent Allah

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Veganism was one of the things that transformed my life, having become a vegan while serving 18.5 years in prison, and serving 12.5 years in prison as a vegan before my release in 2012. While incarcerated, I also became a bestselling author, NY Times Bestselling Editor, graphic designer, and college graduate. Veganism helped me develop the discipline I lacked growing up in Brooklyn, which had culminated in my incarceration at age 17.

I now reside in Atlanta, do graphic design through my brand (KooziArts LLC) and co-own a boutique clothing line (uswear) with my vegan Queen Shana (@iamshanag on IG). uswear is committed to speaking truths through apparel that represent subcultures and marginalized communities.

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I have been a vegan for 19 years. I made the decision to go vegan after reading African Holistic Health, subsequently becoming a pescatarian, then vegetarian before vegan. The goal of veganism was a means of survival…surviving a prison term of 19 to life, surviving the threat of heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes that plagued my family. I came of age during the crack era in East New York, Brooklyn, which was dubbed "The Murder Capital" by the media. The first time I saw somebody killed I was about seven years old. I lost countless friends to the streets by the time I was 15. So, survival, not even prosperity, was the overarching agenda in my life. But, no longer did I see the guns I carried on the streets as a tool for survival, or the shanks I packed in jail as a tool for survival. It was the veganism I embraced in prison as a tool for survival.

We must save ourselves before we can save others, so for me, knowledge of self and self-mastery is paramount. This is how I self-govern. So veganism has been one of the greatest precursors for discipline and self-control in my life. This is in spite of having immersed myself in the street culture of Brooklyn at age 13 and having been arrested for murder at age 17. . We are killing ourselves, animals, and ultimately the planet because we lack the discipline and self-control that veganism cultivates.


Instagram: @thehiphopvegan @kooziarts @uswearonline @veganbiz

FEATURE: Cametria Hill


I became vegan about eight years ago, primarily motivated by my own health and the health of my family. Growing up in Texas, everything was centered around food (as it should because we can throw down in the kitchen in the south). However, because of all of this good food, most of my family members have several diseases that are all food-related, such as diabetes, high-blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. They are also on several medications to control these illnesses. I was pretty much resigned to the fact that I too would need medications by the time I was 35 like everyone else I knew.

As a child, I also had several health issues. I experienced several stomach and digestive problems and underwent several treatments to try to get it under control. During all of my trips to the doctor, I was never told that my problems could be managed simply by changing my diet. I first went vegetarian, and started feeling better and more regular (sorry for the TMI, but just keeping it real). I was angry that I suffered for so long and could have had relief and a better quality of life much sooner if I had access to this knowledge. As a vegetarian, I was a big egg-eater and it wasn’t until I was introduced to Dr Sebi through a documentary about Lisa “Left-Eye” Lopes, that I realized that being vegetarian was not enough.I learned just how bad eggs are for your body and cellular health. At that point, I removed eggs from my diet but did not fully become plant-based.

Then, during the holiday season in 2012, I was overeating and feeling sluggish and decided that I wanted to try this whole vegan thang for 90 days starting that New Year’s Eve. Eventually though, I planned to transition back to being a vegetarian. Being the “all-in” thorough woman that I am, I wanted to do all the research I could to ensure that I wasn’t accidentally getting any non-vegan foods accidentally. Through YouTube University, I learned about the cruelty that happens to male baby chicks in the egg industry and all the hormones in dairy and there was no way in good conscience I could go back. I have been vegan ever since.

Cametria Hill’s book is available for purchase: A Southern Girls Guide to Plant-Based Eating: Recipes from the Vegan Soul That Won’t Make You Go Broke.

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FEATURE: Naomi Israel

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Naomi Israel is a woman who is living out her dreams living abroad and inspiring others as a wellness coach. Previously a banker, she was once tired and miserable, but all that changed when she decided to listen to the call of her heart. Now she’s passionate about helping others get on the path to wellness.

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Through her online platform, Diverse Vegan, (est. 2018)- Naomi is building community around healthy eating and veganism – with an unbiased approach towards nutrition, travel, health, wellness, and advice while living a plant-based lifestyle!

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Through her platform, she wants people to gain a unique approach to eating and living that can help you thrive while being healthy and happy in all aspects: mentally, physically and emotionally. So, whether you're vegan, a flexitarian, vegetarian or simply curious about adopting healthier alternatives relating to a plant-based lifestyle, the Diverse Vegan community has got you covered.


Website: www.diversevegan.com

Facebook: Diverse Vegan

Instagram: @diversevegan

FEATURE: Greg Willybiro

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Hi, my name is Greg Willybiro, Co-Founder of Turfue Straws (Biodegradable, Vegan & Edible Straws) and I've been vegan for about a year now. It all started with my girlfriend. She became vegan about two years ago and I got introduced to it progressively. The biggest hurdles that kept me from going vegan back then were simply the typical false fears: “Vegan food is not tasty", "Where am i going to get my protein?" "I don't wanna just eat kale salads for the rest of my life" etc…Those fears were easily broken as I realized that: 1. I could still eat delicious foods. In particular, vegan fast foods changed my life :) 2. It is incredibly simple to get enough protein with a well balanced vegan diet, and 3. I just felt so much better overall! So i went for it.

My friends and family were confused, yet supportive (though I would occasionally be on the receiving end of jokes). I'm from an African family so veganism is considered as "That thing white people do". My girlfriend is white so they initially thought I was doing it just for her. My greatest joy was slowly tricking each family member into discovering how delicious vegan food was. I would make them burgers, tacos, and pasta dishes with meat and dairy alternatives and then not tell them about it. They would absolutely love it and I would proudly make my big reveal! They're much more understanding now. I even got my father who is an old-school die-hard African man to do a 1-month vegan challenge. He's now slowly transitioning to a full vegan diet and loving it.

Being vegan also made me so much more aware of the environment and our impact on it. That's what led me and my friend Thomas Montaron to create Turfue Straws. We discovered that 100 million animals die each year from ingesting plastic and that plastic straws take up to 500 years to decompose. So, we came up with straws that are ultra biodegradable, compostable, vegan, edible and animal safe. Lastly, I just wanted to say thanks so much to Aph and Black Vegans Rock! It is so important for people in our community (who often suffering from diet-related diseases) to see that people just like them are vegan and thriving!

Social Media

Instagram: @turfuestraws

Website: turfue.com


My name is Chris, I’m from Haïti. I have been vegan for 3 years now.

My adventure began in 2013 right after I finished watching a 30 minute video highlighting animal exploitation. As a kid, my dream was to suppress injustice, poverty, and hunger from this planet. This video made me realize that my diet and lifestyle was contradicting my dream. So, I became a vegetarian right on the spot and never looked back.

After six years of being vegetarian/vegan, I decided to start my own vegan brand: The Vegan Prophets. I would define this brand as a vision and a shout from the heart.

After six years of not eating meat, I noticed that I was still facing ignorant questions and remarks about my vegan diet. That’s when The Vegan Prophets idea came along because I asked myself: How do I get people to stop talking nonsense when facts are all over the place? I decided to create a strategy to counter-attack all of the misconceptions about veganism by illustrating powerful and compassionate messages on clothing.

In the collection, you will find apparel with different messages from different situations and famous people. Some are provocative, and others are lighthearted. Regarding the products, I’ve carefully managed to choose fair trade and vegan fabrics for my designs.


Instagram: @the_vegan_prophet

Website: The Vegan Prophets

FEATURE: Janay Jones

Hi my name is Janay Jones, founder of Rooted Delights. We are a local vegan cheese company based out of Richmond, VA. Just to give some back story on my journey, I went vegan in 2016 due to health reasons. Before transitioning to a plant based diet, I always had low energy and felt groggy. I would break out constantly and couldn't seem to keep the weight off, even with me being active in the gym. I challenged myself to a 14 day, no meat or dairy challenge and after the 2 weeks, I felt amazing! My thoughts and dreams were more vivid, my skin cleared up, and I lost 7 pounds. I felt so liberated from my traditional diet and decided to make this a lifestyle change.

Throughout my experience, I realized how much our diet affects our mental, physical, and spiritual connection to self and I wanted others to experience this feeling that I discovered. That is when Rooted Delights was created. We started with a food truck but quickly realized the need for more dairy free cheese alternatives in our communities. After research, I found out that 30 million to 50 million adults are lactose intolerant, mostly people of color. More specifically, up to 75% of African Americans are lactose intolerant. These statistics inspired me to create something delicious, familiar, and healthier than what we have been conditioned to eat. 

Fast forward to 2020, we have been actively operating for a little over a year now and have two main cheez wheels: ‘cheddah’ and ‘mozzah’ cheez --similar to cheddar and mozzarella. The first question everyone always asked, does it melt? The answer is yes!! Our cheese can melt, shred, and slice. What makes Rooted Delights stand out from the rest is how our wheels are made from oat milk and contains no dairy, soy, gluten, or added tree nuts.

If you are in the Richmond, VA or New York City area, you can find our cheese in local grocery stores or you can purchase it on our website directly. We can also be found on social media under Rooted Delights. We post recipes, future events, giveaways, and other dope local brands! We have recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo in order to raise more funds and scale this business to the next level. Please share and donate if you can  :-) In addition to producing cheez wheels, we are passionate about our community and provide community education about veganism and health in addition to producing cheese. With Rooted Delights, we are looking to break through generational eating habits, so we can continue to live longer and healthier lives. We hope you follow our journey and Get Rooted. Much love all 2020!


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rooteddelights/?hl=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/realrooteddelights

Indiegogo campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/rooted-delights-vegan-cheez

FEATURE: Kimberly

Kimberly, one of the organizers of @dawaretreats, started her plant-based journey after a series of challenging experiences in her life. She came together with two other plant-based women of color who worked in the wellness, healing, and tourism industries in the US and Caribbean to create Dawa Retreats for the sole purpose of guiding people of color back to themselves, back to love. Utilizing a plant-based menu with an in-house chef (and on the beautiful and lush island of Grenada). @dawaretreats will provide a safe space to help those on their journey of self-love and healing. Visit their page for more information about this experience taking place on April 2, 2020 - April 7, 2020.